Friday, March 20, 2009

March 19, 2008

Went to doc and had just one of the quick visits. I am measuring at 34 weeks and Lily's heartbeat is still in the 140s. My doc is suppose to be out of town on my due date so we have decided to induce labor if Lily has not decided to come on her own by 04/23. I cannot believe I only have 5 weeks left.
Next appt I will have a sonogram just to make sure Lily is in the right position and she how much she weighs at that point. My doc can tell she will be a big baby already, YIKES. The doc will also start the fun physical exams.
Stay tuned...

Monday, March 9, 2009

March 6, 2009

I had a doctor's appt on Friday, and everything is moving along great. She is already 4.5lbs, and he thinks by the time it is her time she may be 8lbs or more, YIKES. My doc is scheduled to be out of town on the day that I am due, so we talked about inducing me on 04/24, and I think I am going to go that route, because I would rather him deliver Lily rather than one of his associates. Reality really set in when we were discussing the option, I am going to be a mom in 6 weeks from this Friday! I am so excited to meet her!

3D Sonogram

I went on Friday and had a 3D sonogram done, it was the coolest thing and we think that Lily has my lips and nose. We had tried the Monday before, but my little stinker kept moving her head back, she did not want to be seen I guess. I have posted a picture of what we were able to get and I just cannot wait to meet her.