Monday, December 15, 2008

Drum Roll Please, It's a Girl!

We got to find out on Thursday, 12/11, that we are having a girl. We are super excited! Unfortunately, Andy was still not well enough to be there for the appt and was really upset that he could not be there, but we are both just so happy and feel so blessed. My mom and dad did get to go with me to the appt and it was a great moment to share with them since I am their baby. They are both over the moon that it is a girl.
Now the hard part starts, trying to figure out a name, we just cannot seem to find a name that we both like. If I like one, Andy does not, and vice versa. Stay tuned for more updates...

Update on Andy

Well, Andy was discharged last Wednesday (12/10), and then we had to put him back in the hospital on Thursday (12/11). The doctors discharged him too early and he scared me to death on Thursday when he fainted twice on me. Friday, the lung doctor had to put a chest tube in so that they could drain the fluids that were building up in his chest out. Andy was not in the greatest spirits after that and really has not had good sleep in about two and half weeks. He finally slept on Saturday night and was in good spirits yesterday. They should be taking the chest tube out today and he could possibly be coming home tomorrow.

Wednesday, December 10, 2008

Our scare with Andy

Well, Andy has been in the hospital since last Friday, we had a pretty good scare with him. He has pneumonia, but on top of that he has an abscess on his lung that covers about 3/4 of his left lung, so right now he is only working on 60% lung capacity. He might get to come home today but it may be tomorrow or Friday.
It all started the week of Thanksgiving, he caught a nasty virus and was so sick, and lost his voice on top of that, so we thought it was the flu. Of course I had to stay some what of a distance away from him since I am pregnant. Plus we were moving that week, so double stress. By Thanksgiving he was feeling better, just tired, but he had his voice back somewhat, just raspy. Then Sat night came and he woke up gasping for air and complaining about chest pain. It was pretty scary but by Sunday he said it was better. Well, he continued to go through the week in pain and waking up gasping for air, until last Thursday when I made him go to the doctor. Turns out he had pneumonia and they saw a mass on his lung but did not know what it was and were just going to give him a shot and send him home. He also had a 103 fever. Well, by Friday morning it was so bad, Andy woke up and took himself to the ER and called me at work to let me know that it was pretty bad news and that they were admitting him to the hospital.
He is in alot of pain right now, but it is slowly getting better. The lung doctor has told us that Andy has a long road of recovery ahead of him. We are hoping he can maybe get out today, because he really wants to be there for the sonogram tomorrow, but if he has to stay in the hospital for a little bit longer then he has to stay.

I will post more on Friday after we have our sonogram. Can't wait to share the news of what we are having, stay tuned...

Friday, November 14, 2008

November 13, 2008 3rd Appt

Yesterday, I had my third appt with the doctor. Nothing too exciting went down, my blood pressure is still normal, I did gain 6 lbs, which embarrassed me but they said that was totally fine. The doctor measured me and then we listened to the heartbeat, which was in the high 150s. Overall he is pleased with my progress. Next appt will be the exciting one because we will get to find out the sex of the baby and look at all the organs. That is set for December 11, at 3, so stayed tuned...

Also, I will have Andy take a picture of my growing belly and post it within the next week.

Thursday, October 23, 2008

October 22, Great News Received

Received phone call from doctor's office today and the test for down syndrome is definitely negative. They ran some other test too that I did not realize they were running and that one was negative as well. Just feels like a weight has been lifted.

Friday, October 17, 2008

October 16, Second Doctors appt

We had our second appt yesterday to do the down syndrome screening. They took me back first and did the sonogram and it was just so amazing to see a little person inside me. The first time it just looked like a little blob in there. I was just in awe and loved seeing the baby's little nose. When they first put the baby up on the screen it was sucking its thumb, then he or she stretched his or her hand out. At one point the baby reached for its toes. It was just fun seeing it be so active. They have made a guess that it is a girl but they we will know for sure by mid December, but they were 85% sure it is a girl.
I met with the doctor for about 5 minutes and he said everything looks great and that the heartbeat is really strong. He said so far the measurement in the fold of the baby's neck was in the normal range, so he was going to go ahead and put me in the low risk category for down syndrome.
Our next appt is on 11/13/08, so stay tuned for more exciting developments

Friday, September 26, 2008

September 24, 2008

Well, my morning sickness took a turn for the worse and we ended up having to go to the ER Wed night. I was diagnosed with Hyperemesis Gravidarum, which is basically severe morning sickness. I was so dehydrated they had to give me 3 or 4 liters of fluids to get me back in somewhat balance. I was told to rest the next day and to just drink gatorade all day long and then to try soup later on that night. I am feeling better but just very weak. It was kind of scary but the ER nurse took really good care of me. They think the condition should go away by my 12th week, so everyone keep your fingers crossed for me.

Tuesday, September 16, 2008

September 15, 2008

We had our first appointment yesterday, September 15. We got to hear the heartbeat, which of course made me cry. The doctor said the heartbeat was really strong. The baby is about a half an inch right now, and the doctor took several pictures of the baby for us, so we have our first memories to frame for our little guy. My 9th week starts today, and our due date is set for April 28, 2009.

Friday, September 12, 2008

September 6, 2008

I decided to take a pregnancy test because I had been feeling so sick to my stomach for several days, and I was late. Sure enough it said pregnant, so I decided to take the second test just to confirm and once again it said pregnant. We were a little in shock, but we are so excited to add to our two person family. We think even Oscar and Jackson know something is up with their mommy because they will not leave my side. Our first doctor's appointment is set for Monday, September 15 at 2:00. I will update our blog at that time. Stay tuned...