Friday, September 12, 2008

September 6, 2008

I decided to take a pregnancy test because I had been feeling so sick to my stomach for several days, and I was late. Sure enough it said pregnant, so I decided to take the second test just to confirm and once again it said pregnant. We were a little in shock, but we are so excited to add to our two person family. We think even Oscar and Jackson know something is up with their mommy because they will not leave my side. Our first doctor's appointment is set for Monday, September 15 at 2:00. I will update our blog at that time. Stay tuned...


holley said...

you're pregnant?!!! yeah!!! so exciting. congratulations to you both, what a wonderful blessing!

Brandy said...

Yea! The blog looks great! Please let me know how the doctor goes on Monday! :)