Friday, October 17, 2008

October 16, Second Doctors appt

We had our second appt yesterday to do the down syndrome screening. They took me back first and did the sonogram and it was just so amazing to see a little person inside me. The first time it just looked like a little blob in there. I was just in awe and loved seeing the baby's little nose. When they first put the baby up on the screen it was sucking its thumb, then he or she stretched his or her hand out. At one point the baby reached for its toes. It was just fun seeing it be so active. They have made a guess that it is a girl but they we will know for sure by mid December, but they were 85% sure it is a girl.
I met with the doctor for about 5 minutes and he said everything looks great and that the heartbeat is really strong. He said so far the measurement in the fold of the baby's neck was in the normal range, so he was going to go ahead and put me in the low risk category for down syndrome.
Our next appt is on 11/13/08, so stay tuned for more exciting developments

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Summer and Andy:

The pictures are great and the test for downs is even better. I pictures now days are so much clearer. Its just amazing.


Toni and Dad